Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2338-2357 of 7954
"Dr. Read comments on two-year old humanities program"
(The Stampede, 1970-01-30)The Stampede, January 30, 1970, p. 8 -
Dr. Robert Hall
(undated) -
Dr. Tim Dillon
(Milligan Public Relations, undated)Dr. Dillon teaches from the front of a classroom -
Drama and art programs should be a part of school curriculum
(Johnson City Press, 2011-05-04) -
Drill Team Performs in Gym
(undated) -
Drill Team Performs in Gym
(undated) -
Drill Team Performs in Gym
(undated) -
Drill Team Performs in Gym
(undated) -
Driving across bridge
(1969-12)Person driving vehicle across bridge with boats on the water in the background -
Duard Walker and Others
(1993-10-23)Duard Walker and four unidentified persons, with two others in the background -
Dudley Dennison
(Milligan Public Relations, undated)Dr. Dennison smiles from a podium (message on back "Ret [return] to Milligan") -
During rebuilding of classroom building following fire, 1918
(1918)Campus after the fire, 1918. Note the barracks in the foreground.