The ConTENT Zone: Bringing the OuTdoors In
The ConTENT Zone is designed to help children be able to self-regulate when they are having issues with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), which is important so that children can perform everyday life tasks at home, at school, and in the community, which will help the child to live a more meaningful life. This area is a place that a child can go when they are feeling stressed out or over stimulated. The project includes a child's tent, a weighted sleeping bag for proprioceptive input, tactile s'more pillows, a bolster log for vestibular input, and videos that provide soothing auditory and visual input. Incorporating the outdoors into therapy is important because of the many sensory benefits that the outdoors provides. In most therapy settings however, it is most practical to incorporate nature indoors. This is what the indoor ConTENT Zone seeks to do.