Now showing items 1957-1976 of 6413

    • Faculty 

      Unknown author (1903)
      Milligan College faculty, 1902-1903, Hopwood House in background
    • Faculty 

      Unknown author (1902-1903)
      Milligan College faculty, 1902-1903, Hopwood House in background
    • Faculty 

      Unknown author (1902-1903)
      Milligan College faculty, 1902-1903, Hopwood House in background
    • Faculty 

      Unknown author (1902-1903)
      Milligan College faculty, 1902-1903, Hopwood House in background
    • Faculty 

      unknown (circa 2000)
      Faculty gathering and talking. Left to right: unidentified student, Bruce Montgomery, Alice Anthony, Richard Major, Nick Blosser, unidentified person, unidentified person
    • Faculty 

      Unknown author (1905-06-09)
      faculty with classroom building in background. Seated: WG Barker, Henry R Garrett, Olive Hanen Garrett. Gideon O Davis, Sallie Wade Davis. Standing: Hattie E Jones, Robert Garrett, Roscoe Hodges, Lucy Hatcher, Byrd Givens, ...
    • Faculty 

      unknown (undated)
      Faculty members in costumes
    • Faculty 1900-08 

      Public Relations (Milligan Public Relations, undated)
      A man and a woman pose for a photo; message reads "Henry Rufus Garrett, Olive Garrett."
    • Faculty and Students 

      Unknown author (1902)
      Faculty and students near Hopwood House and classroom building
    • Faculty and Students 

      Unknown author (1902)
      Faculty and students near Hopwood House and classroom building
    • Faculty and Students of Kentucky University 

      Unknown author (1870)
      Faculty and Students of Kentucky Universtiy "This Photograph cam from the office of Joe McCormick. The figure seated center with the cape is not Lincoln but Rober Milligan. Josephus Hopwood is very likely picture here as ...
    • Faculty Office Building 

      unknown (1993-10-31)
    • Fall Formal Table Setting 

      unknown (1991)
      Two unidentified people at a nicely set table at the 1991 Fall Formal
    • Fall picnic 1972 

      unknown (1972)
    • The Famous Pardee Hall 

      unknown (1972)
    • Fellowship of Christian Athletes 

      unknown (1972)
      1972 Fellowship of Christian Athletes: Mike Mutterspaugh, Chris Lacy, Mike McMillan, Dan Harding, Jim Crom, Rick DeWitt, Wes Stanley, and Danny Carroll
    • Fellowship of Christian Athletes 

      unknown (1970)
      1970 Fellowship of Christian Athletes: Reed Taylor, Paul Jones, McInturf, Ron Worrell, Burt Sparks, Coach Phil Worrell, Eddie Garland, Stan Kinnett, Toonie Cash, Larry Wakenfus, and Richard Burton
    • Female Student 

      unknown (undated)
      Female student using a copier


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