Protestants and other Americans United POAU Folder 4
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Items removed for copyright reasons include the following: "Downgrading the Constitution" by David Lawrence, U. S. News & World Report, December 17, 1962, p. 103-104; " A way out of our Parochial-Public School Conflict" by Louis Cassels, unknown publication, p. 54-62; "A Catholic Looks at Protestantism" by Daniel Callahan, Harper's Magazine, November 1962, p. 33-39; Religious Heritage, vol. 1, no. 3, May 1963; "The Question of Union of Church and State: The Christian Amendment Radio Message No. 5" by the Rev. John Coleman, Covenanter Witness, April 24, 1957, p. 261-263; "Relation of religion to public education: a Study Document" by the Committee on Religion and Public Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., Jordan L. Larson, Chairman, Thomas J. Van Loon, Vice-Chairman, R. L. Hunt, Secretary, Executive Board of the Division of Christian Education, St. Louis, Mo., February 18, 1960; "Words As Weapons: The 'Independent' Label" by Paul Blanshard, Church and State, May, 1962, p. 11-14 (75-78); "Words As Weapons (II): Our Affirmative Slogans" by Paul Blanshard, Church and State, June, 1962, p. 11-12 (91-92); "Facing a Common Peril" by C. Stanley Lowell, reproduced from The Pentecostal Evangel, February 3, 1957; "How the Roman Catholic Church Would Change the Constitution," reprinted from Church and State, May 1960; "Religious Liberty: Gideon BIble Case Reviewed" by Arthur Gladstone, The New Age, May 1957, p. 277-280; "Separation," excerpt from Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 reprinted in an unknown publication with unknown page number; "The Place of the Private and Church-Related Schools in American Education: Statement of the Bishops of the United States," 1955; Summaries of Rulings of State Attorneys General with Respect to Church-State Questions as They Affect Public and Parochial Schools," compiled by he American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith, February 1958, Second printing, April 1958; Pamphlets: "The Pastor and Religious Freedom" by Walter Pope Binns, "America's Finest Hour" by Glenn L. Archer, "Clericalism: Roots and Fruits: Truth Series Number 15," "POAU and the churches" by C. Stanley Lowell, "Winning the Battle for Church-State Separation" by Glenn L. Archer; Material marked "confidential" also removed
Murch, James DeForest, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Separation of church and state