The MDR Digital Archive Policies Manual addresses all MDR policies and procedures.


Items in MDR are accessed online by anyone with an internet connection. Though most materials in MDR are made publically available, authors and communities may assign access restrictions to materials.

Authors and Communities can choose four levels of access to an item. They can make the item available:

  • to the public (everyone in the world)
  • to only current Milligan students, faculty and staff,
  • to only select users and groups, or
  • to only MDR administrators (in MDR for archival purposes only)

Authors who submit their work to MDR retain the full copyright of their work, unless they have previously given it away to a third party.

Authors who hold copyright to their work and who wish to make their work publically available on MDR agree to a non-exclusive distribution license. This means that authors give Milligan University the right to preserve and distribute their work through MDR, but they may make copies of their work available on other web sites without obtaining permission from Milligan University. Authors may also publish their work, in the same form or in a revised form, without obtaining permission from the University.

All materials in MDR are subject to Title 17 of the U.S. Code and may not be reproduced without the copyright holder's permission.

Previously Published Works

Authors who publish in peer-reviewed and open access journals retain the full copyright of their work. Authors who publish in traditional subscription access journals may or may not retain the full copyright of their work, therefore as the author, you would need to seek your publisher's permission to submit your work to MDR. Simply ask your publisher to review your publishing agreement and request permission for your work to be made available in MDR.

Additional Resources for Authors

Author Rights & the SPARC Author Addendum:


Contributors are responsible for determining privacy concerns within their submissions and assigning appropriate access policies to protect the privacy of others. Items with confidentiality concerns may be redacted, embargoed, or marked as private. Materials of a sensitive nature (as determined by representatives of the University) may be restricted to Community members or to MDR Administrators only.

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