2022-09-122022-09-121967-11-24http://hdl.handle.net/11558/6549Booklet for Founder's Day 1967. A list of that year's Founder's Daughter candidates and a list of former Founder's Daughters is on the last page.en-USThis item may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan University. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.edu.Fall Exhibit 2022Proffer, Carol (Wilson)Wandrei, Mary Ruth (Dickson)Day, Penalee "Penny" A. (Phillips)Olmstead, Donna (Harkey)Stuecher, Carolyn (Clark)Hilsenbeck, Robin (Craig)Ahlgrim, Linda Kay (Walters)Founder's DaughterSellmer, Sue AnnRogers, Sherrie (Covert)Easton, Sarah (Atha)Ernst, Mary Lou (Oakley)Bartchy, Diane (Walker)Axsom, Ruth Jean (Eason)Adams, Patsy (Masters)Alexander, Ruth (Hammack)Hayes, I. Joanne (Hines)Jarosz, Nancy (Rogers) (Stapleton)Gallimore, Alice (MacDonald)Barton, Frances L. “Kitty” (Wert)Sturdevant, Lue (Davis)Sizemore, Janice (Rinnert)Barkes, Barbara (Doxen)Haisman, Janet (Knowles)Gastineau, Nancy J. (True)Porter, Judith "Judy" (Wilson) (Hart)Barnard, Charla (Purcell)Johnson, JessWalker, DeanBachman, SherwynPrice, EugeneAldridge, DuardSizemore, RogerScott, HaroldEllis, JohnHayden, Bela HubbardBryant, BeaufordAnnual Founder's Day: Commemorating the CentennialOther