2023-02-062023-02-061994-10-29http://hdl.handle.net/11558/6901Left to Right: Back Row: John Neth, David Harris, Denny Callahan, John Ellis, Pat (Phillips) Magness, Lee Magness, Marty Ritsch, Lyn (Ward) Burros, Bill Gwaltney. Middle Row: Beverly (Wilson) Behrman, Linda (Gray) Neth, Dave Varner, Doug Theobald, Jack Knowles, Mark Huddleston, Linda (Batton) Fry, Janet (Poe) Slabbekorn, Kirk Daniel. Front Row: Ginger (Mitchum) Caston, Polly (Wells) Theobald, Peggy (Bennett) Ferguson, Carol (Clifton) Gould, Janet (Hendrickson) Ritsch.This item may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan University. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.edu.AlumniClass ReunionClass of 1969Neth, JohnNeth, Linda (Gray)Harris, DavidCallahan, Dennis “Denny”Ellis, JohnMagness, Patricia “Pat” (Phillips)Magness, J. LeeRitsch, Janet (Hendrickson)Ritsch, MartyBurros, Lyn (Ward)Gwaltney, William “Bill”Behrman, Beverly (Wilson)Varner, DaveTheobald, DougTheobald, Polly (Wells)Knowles, JackHuddleston, MarkFry, Linda (Batton)Daniel, KirkCaston, Ginger (Mitchum)Ferguson, Peggy (Bennett)Gould, Carol (Clifton)Slabbekorn, Janet (Poe)Milligan College (Class of 1969) - 25 Year ReunionImage