2021-12-092021-12-091958-1967http://hdl.handle.net/11558/6006Items removed for copyright reasons include the following: "Religion" reprinted in an unknown publication from Time, January 19, 1959; "Will a Roman Catholic Be President?" by C. Stanley Lowell reprinted in an unknwon publication from Christian Herald, September 1958; The Church Herald, Vol. XVI, No. 34, September 4, 1959; Church and State: A Monthly Review, Vol. 12, no. 3, March 1959; "Shall the State Subsidize Church Schools? A careful look at five arguments advanced by proponents of Government aid." by C. Stanley Lowell reprinted in an unknown publication September-October from Liberty magazine, September-October 1960; pamphlet with a reprint of pages 112-113 of "Living Our Faith," Book Three in The Catholic High School Religion Series by Rev. Anthony J. Flynn, Sister Vincent Loretto, S.C., and Moher Mary Simeon, S.H.C.J., Publisher: William H. Sadlier, Inc.; "The Religious Issue" by Glenn L. Archer reprinted from Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine; "The Papal Election and American Law" by Paul Blanshard" reprinted in an unknown publication from The Christian Century, November 19, 1958; "Daily Closeup: Glenn L. Archer, Watchdog of Church-State Separation" by Joseph Wershba in New York Post, Tuesday, December 15, 1959, p. 28; Church and State: A Monthly Review, Vol. 13, no. 1, January 1960; Excerpts reprinted from the Bulletin of the National Catholic Educational Association (August, 1959); Pamphlets: "Urban Take-Over," "Should Parochial Schools Be Granted Federal Aid?" by Dr. Harold A. Bosley, "The Birth of POAU" by Joseph M. Dawson, "Protestants Unashamed!" by Glenn L. Archer, 'President Kennedy's Pledges...on Separation of Church and State: Will He Keep Faith?," "1961 Catalog Protestants and Other Americans United," "Boycott! Weapon of Bigots," "POAU Literature" (on back of form letter), "Sectarian Medical Codes & Your Tax Dollars," "Censorship: Truth Series No. 13" by C. Stanley Lowellen-USThis item may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan University. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.edu.Murch, James DeForestAmericans United for Separation of Church and StateSeparation of church and stateProtestants and other Americans United POAU Folder 1Other