2020-02-262020-02-261909http://hdl.handle.net/11558/4922MC Class of 1909. seated (L to R): George Lowder, George Bowman, Wm Issac "Boss" Williams, Shelburne Ferguson, Jim Stephens. Standing (L to R): Nell Snodgrass, Persia Owen, Anna Kelly, Rene White Anderson, Mary Sevier, Jennie Hatcheren-USThis image may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan College. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.eduClass of 1909Lowder, George RobertBowman, George M.Williams, William IsaacFerguson, ShelburneStephens, James W.Snodgrass, Nell (Vaughan)Ward, Persie I. (Owens)Kelley, AnnaAnderson, Rennie Bolton (White)Sevier, Mary EvelynHatcher, JennieClass of 1909Image