2023-04-242023-04-241980http://hdl.handle.net/11558/73471980 Science Club: Bill McNett, Theresa Mackenzie (president), Victo Hull, Janet Schuchardt, Jim Taylor, Bob Nelson, Dave Jones, Sue Miller, Sandy Chamgerlin, Martha Winkler, Joni Rigsby, Brian Nash (vice-president), Phil Andrews, Kay Riggs, Kathy Sucha, Mrs. Janice Huang, Dr. Lone Sisk, Tom Brunsman, Steve Allen, Vickie Heinen, Dr. Eddie Leach, Dr. Eugene Nix, and Dr. Charles GeeThis item may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan University. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.edu.Campus GroupsScience BuildingMcNett, BillMackenzie, TheresaHull, VictorRhoades, Janet (Schuchardt)Taylor, JimNelson, BobJones, DavidMiller, SueAdcock, Sandra (Chamberlin)Nash, Martha (Winkler)Scott, Joni (Rigsby)Nash, BrianAndrews, PhilKim, Kay (Riggs)Banks, Kathryn “Kathy” Rose (Suchan)Huang, JaniceSisk, LoneBrunsman, TomAllen, SteveHeinen-Everts, VickieLeach, EddieNix, EugeneGee, Charles1980 Science ClubImage