2022-11-182022-11-181980http://hdl.handle.net/11558/67861980 Delta Kappa: Lane Thompson (treasurer), Robyn Self (president), Connie Jones (secretary), Donna Bean (vice president), Cheryl Flora, Barb Bushnell, Vicki Jones, Sherrie Walker, Sharon Hall, Melissa Roy, Ginny Gwaltney, Kathie Bailey, and Diane WarrenThis item may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan University. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.edu.Campus GroupsRhoades, Lane (Thompson)Elkins, Robyn (Self)Jones, Connie A.Bean, Donna RaeBickel, Cheryl A. (Flora)Moore, Barbara I. (Bushnell)Lee, Vicki L. (Jones)Gebhard, Sherrie M. (Walker)Hall, Sharon E.Dahlman, Melissa Ann (Roy)Bailey-Mathae, Katherine ElizabethGuindon, Virginia “Ginny” L. (Gwaltney)Warren, Diane M.Delta KappaImage