2023-03-202023-03-201976http://hdl.handle.net/11558/71441976 Founder's Daughter candidates: Kim Scheffler, Cheryl Abram, Debbie Fralish, Debbie Piper, Marty Williams, Helen Bunton, Claudia Thompson, Debbie Murphy, Robin Thomas, Debbie Swink, Julie McNett, Nancy Hook, Rosemary Birkel, Carol Whisnant, Kathy Harder, Carolsue Robbins, and Bekcy ReevesThis item may be viewed, downloaded, and printed for personal and educational use, but any commercial use is prohibited without permission from Milligan University. Questions may be directed to mcstor@milligan.edu.Founder's DayFounder's DaughterDaugherty, Kim (Scheffler)Reeve, Cheryl (Abram)Jones, Debbie (Fralish)Foster, Deborah (Piper)Eernisse, Martie (Williams)Mayer, Helen (Bunton)Brammer, Claudia (Thompson)Allcott, Debbie (Murphy)Barnett, Robin (Thomas)Heller, Debbie (Swink)Wattwood, Julie (McNett)Auel, Nancy (Hook)Wilson, Rosemary (Birkel)Miller, Carol (Whisnant)Jordan, Kathy (Harder)Robbins, CarolsueEllsworth, Rebekah (Reeves)1976 Founder's Daughter CandidatesImage